Liquid Love

sensual oil bath - cacao - breathwork

💖 💦 Liquid Love (Breathwork, Cacao & Sensual Exploration)

12th January 1-5pm - Flinta* Edition

Imago Space, Kreuzberg

What to Expect

  • The Flow of the Day

    ✨ Connecting breathwork journey

    ✨Sharing circle with soothing cacao

    ✨Guided Liquid Love flow

    ✨Closing ceremony

  • What is Liquid Love

    ✨A sensual group experience in a special pool of oil

    ✨A guided space for exploring nudity and touch, both of which are completely optional

    ✨This is not a sex party - this is about exploring the sensual within us

Let’s come together to celebrate love

Self-love, embodied love, sensual love, spiritual love… we would love to ignite diverse love with you!

We, that is: Kathi, somatic sexologist, and Victoria, psychedelic coach and breathwork guide. We already held some beautiful liquid love sessions together. Now it's time to create a community that stays open to new participants as well as keeping a bond - strengthening it through growing trust. Feel free to invite people who you think could love this as well. We would love to do this more often.

In Kreuzberg, there will be a space for us to gather, hang out, feel what wants to come alive & see what magic wants to arise. It will be a space for us to sit in a circle together, to breath, pause, be & receive. After sharing a loving breath work to our bodies, we will share cacao and our feelings (any are welcome). This is to arrive into our bodies and create a trustworthy atmosphere so that we can indulge into a connection with each other. Those are ways to show love to yourselves and others.

One way of loving will be a liquid one for us. First, we will have a check in with each other and ourselves, see how we are feeling at that present moment and undress - either a part of our clothing or become naked (as much as you like in that moment) together in the space.

We also would like to invite the vulnerable part of you. If you don’t feel like smiling, acting, or approaching, there will be something else - it can be tears, tension or simply composure: there is no feeling or expression that is not invited, and we will all give the best we can to comfort in the most empowering way possible at that moment.

Is this a sex party?

No. It is a space created with the intention to discover sensual oily touch, not to try to find a sexual encounter. No worries about sexual intentions. Arousal happens, we just have to handle it consciously. We will work around that with consent agreements and there will always be an awareness person who is holding the space and who you can reach out to. We trust in each other’s respect of boundaries, thoughtfulness and empathy. We learn all together how to co-create a safer-space and establish an atmosphere of open communication and generosity. We will be dealing with mistakes and create an environment in which to learn from each other. YOU are defining what is sexual to you and you are the one who knows what you want and what you don’t. Sexual also means “just” the fantasy you are exploring all by yourself without anyone else noticing that you are in a very aroused state. It is okay to moan, to sigh, to whisper something to yourself. Or maybe you don’t want anything sexual at all, that should be as welcome. Let’s allow this and not shame ourselves and others for being (a-)sexual humans. This event is a safer space that we all co-create, but it needs to be in a consensual and considerate way in order to feel safe

About flinta* events

This event will be for flinta* (humans identifying as female, inter, non-binary, trans or a-gender) in order to create a safer space.

Co-creating safer spaces

Let’s make it a safe and pleasurable experience for all flinta identities. If there are a lot of people who have a gender that is not sexually interesting to you, it should not affect the way you treat them. If there are some people that you find sexually interesting, it should not change your behaviour. Make your intention clear for yourself and take out sexual desires in the oil bath which are not transparent. Meaning: if you didn’t ask for clear consent, don’t touch anyone with a sexual intention. 

About nudity

You can always put on and take off your clothes. Clothing is optional in the second part (oil bath). Nobody should feel pressured to be nude. Clothing is anyhow a way of differencing. We are all different in our bodies and all beautiful, there is no need to be ashamed - nevertheless, shame as a feeling will not be denied and if you don’t feel like undressing, don’t feel pressured to do so. Maybe you want to choose some comfy, light clothing that can be oily (like a bikini) and you can bring extra clothes in case your mood shifts - the most essential thing you can do is to take care of your own well-being. From there, we can take it to an oil-pouring, slippery, sensual ritual in which we embrace our own bodies, share the love we feel for ourselves with others and receive warm showers of worship in a gentle, soft, and cherishing way.

Breathwork & cacao

We will use a gentle guided breathwork, followed by a shared cacao in order to land in the space and attune to one another, before stepping into the experience of Liquid Love. These tools help us to connect with ourselves, our own desires, fears and emotions, creating intentionality and awareness before we engage with one another.

As we will be doing a short period or slightly more intense breathing, I would like to draw your attention to some safety contradictions. If any of these apply to you, please either let us know in advance if you would like to join the session, or check in with your doctor if it would be safe for you.

Contraindications for breathwork:

  • Pregnancy(at any stage)

  • Severe PTSD or trauma

  • Actively using recreational drugs

  • Taking any medication that alters brain chemistry like anti-anxiety, anti-depressant, ADD, OCD medications etc. - Detached Retina

  • Glaucoma

  • Kidney disease

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Cardiovascular disease, including angina, previous heart attack or stroke

  • Diagnosis of aneurysm of any kind

  • Uncontrolled thyroid conditions

  • Diabetes(any type)

  • Severe Asthma - for mild to moderate asthma, we can discuss but you must bring your inhaler to the session - Epilepsy

  • History of seizures

  • Prior diagnosis of bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or previous psychiatric condition

  • Severe psychosomatic disorders

  • Recent surgery, stitches or injury

  • Hospitalisation for any psychiatric condition or emotional crisis within the last 10 years


There is an elevator and it is wheel-chair accessible (but not easily). Please get in touch with us for accessibility info. 

The event will happen mainly in English, translation support can happen in German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Dutch.

Stay in touch

If you haven't already, you can join our Telegram channel for future Liquid Love events.

Please bring all of you, just the way you are in that moment, it will all be warmly welcomed! We are very much looking forward to breathing and connecting with you and to pour oil over your beautiful bodies!


💜 Vicky & Kathi

Pricing & inclusivity

  • We would like to facilitate an event community that is as inclusive as possible. Our time and energy preparing, holding the space and cleaning up the oily mess is something we love to offer and sustainably can offer thanks to your contribution. €50 from each person covers all the costs of our work, the space and the material. We would love for you to keep that in mind when deciding your ticket contribution. Anything above will solidarily cover for people with less money. If you don’t have lots of earnings/savings, we are happy if you contact us for an assistance ticket to contribute otherwise.

  • If you can’t come or decided this is not for you, please let us know at least 48 hours before the event starts and we can see if we can refill your spot from the waiting list, then you can get a refund for your ticket. If we are unable to fill your spot, then a refund will not be issued. If you contact us in the 48 hours before the event, we can no longer support you in trying to fill the spot and you will need to look for someone yourself.

  • We are always happy for spontaneous help! Reach out to us if you’d like to assist with setting up / cleaning up.

Meet the Facilitators

  • Victoria

    Breathwork facilitator, personal coach (ACC, ICF Certified) and psychedelic integration guide based in Berlin. She facilitates breathwork and women's events in Berlin, as well as running legal psilocybin retreats in the Netherlands.

  • Kathi

    Kathi alias Muse Meduse is a sexologist and embodiment coach working trauma informed with systemic sexual approaches in Berlin and online. She facilitates workshops about consent, self-love and sensuality.

“Liquid love was a heart-opening, nourishing and super sensual experience. It was way more than just getting naked in a pool with oil with a bunch of people: the hosts created such a safe space full of vulnerability , intimacy and sensuality.” — Susie

Listen up.

Want to know more about Liquid Love and how it feels to be in a pool, covered in warm scented oils, and exploring sensuality and touch with others? Take a listen to these podcast episodes where Kathi & Vicky share about the way we experience and host Liquid Love.

Ready to join us?

We have a limited number of spaces each time to create a more intimate container - so make sure to book your spot ahead of time before we sell out.